Monday, February 28, 2011

Some love from Taiwan ♥

A very late update about my trip to Taiwan with my family. Had an amazing time with everybody on the tour not forgetting our lovely tour guide Batu. We ate until our hearts content trying things I never ever tried before.  Some of the more bizarre ones were chicken testicles, pork kidney and some Taiwanese fat snails. Sounds pretty disgusting but they really were pretty good. not so much of the kidney though. (: One thing i've noticed about Taiwan is that they have Seven-elevens literally on every street. But I guess that is their form of Mamak stores like we have here. We spent 3 extra days in Taiwan to visit my aunt and her family. It always feels good to spend time with loved ones and for that I am grateful.

Thank you for everything , xoxo

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Roses are red

Back in Penang at my grandmother's to celebrate Chinese New Year with all the extended family. Red is THE colour as usual, hence the red nail polish and of course, my favourite team jersey.  Literally dressed up in all red for my trip back to Penang on new years eve. I had red sandals on, a red handbag in one hand and a red laptop pouch in the other. I predict a very prosperous new year ahead of me. Or at least i hope so. (:

新年快乐, xoxo.